
The Parent Trap (1961) . . .

Bah, these photos always get cut off on this blog. If you click on the photo it will open in a separate window so you can see them better.

Kristy posted some photos on her blog on October 16th asking which of our two boys most resembled her. Everyone has been saying that Loki favors Kristy and Ander myself. I went back to compare some photos of the boys at the same age to see how different they are.

Coming home from the hospital:



The following photos are of both boys at the same gestational age. Since Ander was born 6 weeks early and Loki 3 weeks, these photos are taken when they are approximately two weeks past their original due dates, and wearing the same exact outfit.






Frog said...

Are you going to tell us which is which??

Frog said...

I think I can tell by the "yellowish" tone of Loki.

Sammy Jankis said...

They all go Ander-Loki-Ander-Loki.

Rachel said...

Aside from skin tone, it's amazing how similar they look.

Giftie Etcetera said...

I can no longer tell the difference.